‹ jeudi 28 novembre 2024 | |
›8:00 (30min)
8:00 - 8:30 (30min)
›8:30 (2h15)
8:30 - 10:45 (2h15)
Turbulence, Transport et MHD and les plasmas de bord
›8:30 (25min)
8:30 - 8:55 (25min)
Progress in FRFCM fluid edge modelling tools in the frame of the TSVV3 and PLATUN projects
Patrick Tamain
›8:55 (25min)
8:55 - 9:20 (25min)
Edge plasma turbulence modelling for heat exhaust physics: focus on recent advances in SOLEDGE-HDG and its set of synthetic diagnostics.
Anna Glasser et Eric Serre
›9:20 (15min)
9:20 - 9:35 (15min)
Prise en compte des fluctuations magnétiques dans la modélisation du plasma de bord avec SOLEDGE3X
Hugo Bufferand
9:35 - 9:50 (15min)
3D SOLEDGE-ERO2.0 simulations for tungsten sources and migration in WEST discharges and comparison with experimental data
Guido Ciraolo
›9:50 (15min)
9:50 - 10:05 (15min)
Fokker-Planck equation for energetic particles. The kappa-distribution function
Claudia Negulescu
›10:05 (25min)
10:05 - 10:30 (25min)
Flow and turbulence in tokamak plasmas
Laure Vermare
›10:30 (15min)
10:30 - 10:45 (15min)
Ecoulements et stabilité; écoulements et turbulence
Pierre Morel
›10:45 (30min)
10:45 - 11:15 (30min)
Pause café
›11:15 (1h10)
11:15 - 12:25 (1h10)
Interactions plasma-paroi
›11:15 (25min)
11:15 - 11:40 (25min)
Simulating plasma-surface interactions with beams and surface science experiments
Régis Bisson
›11:40 (15min)
11:40 - 11:55 (15min)
A multi-scale investigation on Hydrogen Solubility and Diffusivity at the W/Cu interface.
Yves Ferro
11:55 - 12:10 (15min)
Post-mortem analysis of the deposit layers on the lower divertor after the 2023 high particle fluence campaign of WEST
Céline Martin
›12:10 (15min)
12:10 - 12:25 (15min)
Monitoring plasma-wall interaction using in-situ spectral ellipsometry
Marco Minisalle
›12:25 (1h30)
12:25 - 13:55 (1h30)
›13:55 (1h)
13:55 - 14:55 (1h)
Ondes et systemes de chauffage
›13:55 (15min)
13:55 - 14:10 (15min)
Modélisation des effets du mouvement sur la propagation des ondes: progrès et perspectives
Renaud Gueroult
›14:10 (15min)
14:10 - 14:25 (15min)
Quand la SARDINE a bouché le Vieux Port
Gilles Cartry
›14:25 (15min)
14:25 - 14:40 (15min)
Diagnostique EFILE pour la mesure d’un champ électrique, étude en champ magnétique
Julien Herbelot
›14:40 (15min)
14:40 - 14:55 (15min)
Nouveau concept de source d’ions pour l’injection de neutres
Gwenael Fubiani
›14:55 (05min)
14:55 - 15:00 (05min)
Clôture du colloque
Yann Camenen
›15:00 (30min)
15:00 - 15:30 (30min)
Pause café
›15:30 (2h)
15:30 - 17:30 (2h)
Réunion coordinateurs axes
Session | Discours | Logistique | Pause | Sortie |